A way to see what God is doing on a regular basis through Student Venture in Loveland and wherever God takes the McKee family.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ahh, Back in Loveland

Well, we are excited to be back in Loveland and somewhat back to normal. We have been doing a lot to get ready for this year by placing students in bible studies, running summer meetings, discipling students, and reading some books. It has been great to get back and spend some down time with each other. We are hoping to do a little retreat together before school and the full craziness of ministry starts. Another piece of info is that my parents are going to be moving up here soon. They will probably be moving in with us for a little while until their house sells. I think its going to be a lot of fun. They have picked out some houses here that they like, so pray that their house sells so they can move into their new home and really get started with their new life in Loveland as grandparents living closer to their grandchildren. I know they are excited about it. Posted by Picasa


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