IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah!! I hope you can tell what's going on in the picture. He is kind of on his head and his legs are sticking out at the top. In the middle where it is circled is where he's showing off that he is a boy. We had a great time at the doctor's office that day and an even better time at the party with everyone to reveal that it was a boy. Everyone guessed and 19 people thought it was going to be a girl and only 9 guessed it would be a boy. We are so excited about him and he is kicking more and more all the time now. Sometimes we just sit and watch Ashley's stomach move, we are pumped about being parents. Pray for us now though as we raise support to prepare for baby.
yay a boy!!! so exciting! yall will be fantastic parents! we will be praying for you!
7:21 AM
totally called the boy. you should listen to me more often :P
1:35 PM
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