A way to see what God is doing on a regular basis through Student Venture in Loveland and wherever God takes the McKee family.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Awesome Wrestling Outreach

This is a story where only God could receive the praise because He did it all. I am still blown away at how it all happened. NHSCA Wrestling Outreach 2006:
Ashley and I were praying specifically Saturday morning that God would open up an opportunity for our students to experience a Student Venture style target group outreach. I had discipleship time with Ian Mattoon, one of my four guys. We went to the high schools to hopefully meet some coaches in the area, but they were not around. We are still hoping to go back, but on our way back, the huge Virginia Beach Convention Center Sign said, National Wrestling Championship. God urged me to turn in, so I did and we went inside.
I didn't really know who to talk to, so I called a wrestler student of mine and asked him what to do. While I was talking I kept seeing the same guy looking at me and I couldn't stop looking at Him. God does this sometimes in evangelism for me too, and I knew he was the one I was supposed to talk to.
I approached him and told him that we were here to serve the tournament in anyway that we could and that we were with Student Venture. Then, he said, "That's great. My youth group at home does some of the same stuff." I was thinking, great something to work with, and then he told me he used to be on staff with Athletes in Action, which is another ministry of Campus Crusade. I was blown away at how God had led me to the exact person he wanted me to talk to. Next, he walked me straight to the wife of the tournament director. When I told her that we wanted to help with a chapel service or just to serve, Melissa was very grateful.
Well, I soon found out that Joe and Melissa were solid Christians and that Joe even helped lead worship at their church. We then talked more about setting up an outreach to the wrestlers through a dodgeball night, which we ended up doing just two nights later. Wow! God answered our prayer in a very quick fashion. During the past week Joe and Melissa had thought about leaving this job because they didn't think that they could make an impact for Christ through it. Well, God knew the whole time what He was going to do and the purpose for which He had them there.
On Tuesday night we had close to 120 wrestlers that showed up for the outreach. They had a great time with dodgeball and loved the highlight film I made for them. We then shared the gospel and let them split up in small groups to discuss it. We had at least 16 students pray to receive Christ that night!!! It was incredible, and the cool thing is we can't take any credit for it, for it was impossible for me to be able to do that. Only God could place all those people exactly where He wanted them and guide me directly to each one, so God receives all the glory! Posted by Picasa