A way to see what God is doing on a regular basis through Student Venture in Loveland and wherever God takes the McKee family.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Back To School!!!

School is back in session. Let's really start praying that God would do something amazing this year. Our students say they feel different going into this year, they feel like God is going to do something big. I really like that expectation for the year. I feel the same way, and I encouraged them that not only did school start for them today, but they were going back to their 24/7 mission field. We are in the process of planning and organizing our year, so pray for us that God may guide us and allow His plans to be our plans. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 21, 2006

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah!! I hope you can tell what's going on in the picture. He is kind of on his head and his legs are sticking out at the top. In the middle where it is circled is where he's showing off that he is a boy. We had a great time at the doctor's office that day and an even better time at the party with everyone to reveal that it was a boy. Everyone guessed and 19 people thought it was going to be a girl and only 9 guessed it would be a boy. We are so excited about him and he is kicking more and more all the time now. Sometimes we just sit and watch Ashley's stomach move, we are pumped about being parents. Pray for us now though as we raise support to prepare for baby. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


JUST TWO MORE DAYS TIL' WE FIND OUT OUR BABY'S GENDER!! YEAH!!! We are so excited, we can't wait to find out. We are doing a party this Saturday to tell everyone if we are having a boy or girl. We are revealing it by having one of our students make a cake (either pink or blue depending on the gender), and we will keep it covered in a box. Then we will have an unveiling of the cake and tell everyone that way with a little surprise. It will be a lot of fun. After we find out on Thursday, we are going to go and spend a couple of days in a cabin at Kings Domain and pray for our baby and our future together as parents. It will be really good for us to get away for a little while before school starts and spend some QT together. Ashley's belly is a little bigger now, we will give you a more updated picture soon. Be praying for us as we take this next step together. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I have been really excited for a while to read some C.S. Lewis books, especially Mere Christianity. So check out this story of God's faithfulness to provide:
Ashley and I went to see Pirates of The Caribbean 2 (wasn't really that great) with the free movie tickets we had received from trying on jeans at American Eagle. When we arrived at the movie ticket booth, it was already sold out. So we were kind of bummed, but we bought tickets for the next showing an hour later. We started walking around Newport on the Levee (which is a really cool place) and Ashley spotted the Barnes and Noble and wanted to check out some baby books. (By the way, she's doing great with her pregnancy, we are at 20 weeks now.) After going in we checked out the religious section because I wanted to see how expensive the C. S. Lewis books were. I was thinking about purchasing Mere Christianity when I looked down and saw the box set of all of Lewis's classic books. I have been wanting to read all of the books in this set and I exclaimed, "Wow, this is exactly what I want!" A lady next to me, that we had joked with just a little before that, said, "Well, you should buy it if you want it." I then turned it over to see the price tag and it read $69.95. I responded, "Well, I can't afford this." She then blew me away with her response, she said, "I'll buy it for you!" I kind of did a double take. "Are you serious," I said. She said, "Sure lets go." So while we were walking to go buy it we had a great conversation about what she does and it turns out she helps support different types of charities and non-profits. I told her a little more about what we did and she said that she would like to support us too! Wow, God is amazing! He provides for us so often. Posted by Picasa

Ahh, Back in Loveland

Well, we are excited to be back in Loveland and somewhat back to normal. We have been doing a lot to get ready for this year by placing students in bible studies, running summer meetings, discipling students, and reading some books. It has been great to get back and spend some down time with each other. We are hoping to do a little retreat together before school and the full craziness of ministry starts. Another piece of info is that my parents are going to be moving up here soon. They will probably be moving in with us for a little while until their house sells. I think its going to be a lot of fun. They have picked out some houses here that they like, so pray that their house sells so they can move into their new home and really get started with their new life in Loveland as grandparents living closer to their grandchildren. I know they are excited about it. Posted by Picasa