A way to see what God is doing on a regular basis through Student Venture in Loveland and wherever God takes the McKee family.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Xtreme Weekend was amazing! The video tells the story pretty much. We calculated and we hiked a total of about 10 miles in addition to climbing around that whole site, caving, and cliff jumping. It was pretty intense and needless to say we were all pretty worn out. I can't wait to take the guys again though. It was a pretty incredible weekend to bond and face fears together. Some of the guys were afraid of heights, so cliff jumping and rock climbing were both pretty much fear busters. Also our discussions on manhood were awesome!! The guys all really wanted to take steps toward manhood but many didn't know what the steps were or how to move forward into manhood. The path consists of 6 key phases - Beloved Son, Cowboy, Warrior, Lover, King, and Sage(Way of the Wild Heart). The 4 pillars of manhood to stand strong as a man are king, warrior, mentor, and friend (Tender Warrior). All need to be equally strong and we need to be pursuing these attributes and fleshing them out in our lives. Our culture has such a false image of manhood today and most guys never realize that they have crossed over from boys to men. Thats one of the many reasons our culture is in the state that its in. I pray that these weekends and our fellas' times will help build strong men to lead their families, churches, and others to the heart of God in the future.